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Government Of Assam Elementary Education Samagra Shiksha Axom

Planning and Monitoring


The planning department for any institution or organization plays a vital role in shaping its goal in a directive way. The importance of the planning lies in the fact it initiates the qualitative and concrete improvement of the sector in a strategic way. The integrated and comprehensive planning of SSA,RTE encompasses all its branches of access,equity,retention,and quality and the interrelationships between these segments to achieve the desired goal of SSA,RTE, i.e. Universalisation of Elementary Education(UEE).The formulation of strategic reformed  planning to reach the goal is backbone of planning process. The visionary and reflective input in the planning of policies, designing of activities, conduct of need based training, need based prioritized plan leads to prepare a Perspective Plan to reach UEE.The preparation and formulation of Annual Work Plan &Budget (AWP&B) of SSA, Assam is a holistic planning for elementary education for implementation of RTE Act, (2009). The Annual Work Plan &Budget is being conceptualized in the light of National Curriculum Framework and Right to Education Act, 2009.The AWP&B of each districts of the State interplays and materialize the objective of SSA.The coherence and consolidation of objectives of Access,Equity,Quality are integrated in planning keeping note on SSA RTE norms.

Planning Process:

A. Planning Team Level wise


B. The pictorial view of decentralized planning under SSA


The level wise Actual execution of Planning objectives:

  • The process of Planning starts with collection DISE in the month of September in every year.
  • The State level In-house meeting chaired by Mission Director for preparing AWP&B as per the guideline circulated by MHRD .
  • A workshop with district level officials along with State Mission officials at State Mission Office to highlight the guidelines of MHRD and directions from State Components for formulation of AWP&B.
  • The district officials share the information to district/Block level officials by conducting a meeting headed by District Mission Co-coordinator, involving Block Mission Offices, DIETs/Normal Schools/BTCs etc.
  • The block level meeting chaired by Block Mission Co-coordinator is conducted among block level employees comprising of Resource Teacher, CRCC, along with other district representative.
  • The Cluster level sharing is conducted with President /Member Secretary of SMC/Mothers Groups along with CRCCs & Block & District representatives, including DIET in-charge of Blocks.
  • The SMC shares and prepares School Development Plan with Teachers and other members to forward to Block level for consideration.

Planning details

The scenario of Elementary Education has changed with the advent of Right to Education act, in the State. The assurance of various provisions of the act including the teacher training and its post effective implication in education system is a vital matter in education system. Concentration on the basic principles of education policies SSA; Assam puts emphasis on all district and sub-district level functionaries on preparing Annual Work Plan &Budget in every year.Efforts have been made to design the SSA activities that can be conducted in collaboration and convergence with other education institutes and departments to offer suggestions and in setting the goals.


The plan under SSA is an Annual Perspective Plan of the coming financial year. The budget and financial proposals under SSA is prepared in the form of AWP&B, covering all components in compliance to the theme of Access, Equity, Quality specified in the SSA, norms.Itemwise budget demands for one year are included in AWP&B.The AWP&B proposals are envisaged in two parts, the plan for current financial year and the progress overview of the previous year.


SSA envisages a strong Monitoring Mechanism in all Cluster, block, district and State level to supervise and inspect the intervention wise activities. The grouping monitoring processes are:

  1. Monitoring at SMC level to Whole School Development Plan and it’s both academic and administrative aspect.
  2. School Supervision by block and cluster functionaries to inspect and supervise academic, infrastructure, administrative feature of schools.
  3. Monitoring at District level by district functionaries to blocks and cluster is directive to observe the functions under SSA.

State level monitoring apparatus

  1. State Commission for Protection of Child Rights or Right to Education Protection Authority.
  2. Periodic meetings of the State Executive Committee of SSA.
  3. Conduct of internal, statutory and concurrent audit .
  4. Monitoring by State Monitoring Institute
  5. The conduct of various Research based activities to evaluate the various dimension of SSA. 

National Level Monitoring:

  1. The online monitoring web portal named “Shagun”launched on 18th January, 2017, by MHRD to monitor the qualitative and quantitative progress and achievement of the activities in the State under SSA is a remarkable mechanism to supervise.
  2. The conduct of quarterly, half yearly review meetings and regional workshops with State Education Secretaries and state Project Directors.
  3. Review by Joint Review Mission (JRM), by Govt.of India, State Governments, external funding agencies.

Research Evaluation Monitoring & Supervision (REMS): is one of the functional areas of SSA.  Under it, effectiveness of various interventions and activities is evaluated to identify the strengths and weaknesses through surveys/studies. Surveys/studies are conducted involving Universities, colleges, Research institutes and other organisations. Over the years, surveys/studies have been conducted. State Level Achievement Surveys have been conducted. SikshaSamriddhi (Shaala Siddhi)- a school evaluation programme has been implemented since last year.

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Procurement Plan (2024-25) - Secondary743.32 KBswf-image
Procurement Plan - 2023-24 (Elementary Education & Teacher Education)990 KBswf-image
Procurement Plan - 2023-24 (Secondary)797.78 KBswf-image
PAB Minutes - 2023-243.73 MBswf-image
Procurement Plan (Elementary) 2022-23948.93 KBswf-image
Procurement Plan (Secondary) 2022-23695.26 KBswf-image
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Procurement Plan (Elementary) 2020-211.34 MBswf-image
Procurement Plan (Secondary) 2020-21206.9 KBswf-image
Procurement Plan - 2019-20 (Elementary)961.87 KBswf-image
Procurement Plan - 2019-20 (Secondary)419.75 KBswf-image
SSA Frame Work16.32 MBswf-image