The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education, Act, 2009 | 1.33 MB |  |
SLRC | 211.02 KB |  |
state_academic_authority.pdf | 422.23 KB |  |
uniform | 114.22 KB |  |
recognition.pdf | 263.4 KB |  |
prohibition_of_private_tution.pdf | 236.8 KB |  |
private_tution.pdf | 190.93 KB |  |
physical_and_mental_harasment.pdf | 259.2 KB |  |
per_childcost2019_notification.pdf | 70.46 KB |  |
om_recognition_permission.pdf | 400.35 KB |  |
om_academic_year.pdf | 249.89 KB |  |
nighbourhood_norms.pdf | 823.51 KB |  |
local_authority.pdf | 497.43 KB |  |
grivance_redressal.pdf | 423.55 KB |  |
final_state_rte_rules_2011_assam.pdf | 227.97 KB |  |
evaluation_in_elementary_stage.pdf | 539.67 KB |  |
engagement_of_teachers_in_non_educational_purpose.pdf | 472.38 KB |  |
district_level_board.pdf | 101.73 KB |  |
disadvantage_group.pdf | 165.24 KB |  |
committee_dled_programme.pdf | 335.06 KB |  |
children_held_back_or_expelled.pdf | 87.44 KB |  |
Capitation fee | 105.27 KB |  |
25 pc Reservation | 810.47 KB |  |
8_year_education_cycle.pdf | 326.04 KB |  |