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Government Of Assam Elementary Education Samagra Shiksha Axom

Educational Statistics

Management Information System :

Management information System (MIS) is the backbone which maintains various records for smooth functioning of an organization. SSA, Assam had already set-up MIS in State level, district level and block level with adequate manpower. A data center, which is a major part of MIS already set-up at State Mission Office for launching all in-house web portals as well as storing huge data relating to Elementary Education, Assam.    

Some major key activities :

  1. Data relating to all schools of Assam are collected on yearly basis and accordingly, digitised through U-DISE software. Based on the data available in U-DISE, lots of major decisions are taken at State level. U-DISE is the ultimate repository of data for preparing Educational Planning, Annual Work Plan & Budget, distribution of Free Textbooks etc.
  2. Collection of Teaching/Non-Teaching staff details of all Government/ Provincialised Elementary schools are updating on regular basis through HRMIS web portal.
  3. GPS points of all schools under elementary level were collected. Based on GPS points LP to LP, LP to UP lists were generated for school amalgamation through in house software.
  4. For time to time monitoring of status of Infrastructure of all Govt./Provincialised Schools under Elementary, an in-house web portal was developed and implemented which focusses the areas for taking necessary actions.
  5. For releasing grants like Infrastructure, maintenance, teacher and uniform grant to all Government/ Provincialised Schools,  valid School Managing Committee (SMC) Accounts of the respective schools were collected through in-house web portal and maintain the database of  SMC accounts at SSA, data center.
  6. An in house web portal developed and launched to monitor machine status (Functional/Non-Functional/Missing) of all Computer Aided Learning (CAL) schools, Block Mission Co-ordinator Offices, District Mission Co-ordinator Offices and State Mission Office.
  7. For monitoring proper academic progress in schools under elementary level, an On-line web portal “The CRCC Academic Monitoring (CAM)” was developed  which tracks - attendance of teacher and students, lesson plan as per academic calendar, training received by individual teacher. The system includes a classroom observation module also.
  8. To keep track of records of receiving and dispatch of the materials properly, a Stock Management System was implemented in SSA, Assam.
  9. One of the major activities of SSA is to provide Free Text Book (FTB) to all students under elementary level. For distribution purpose, an on-line web portal developed and implemented.
  10. To track the Out-of-School Children (OoSC) in all districts of Assam, and accordingly, for taking necessary steps, a web portal developed and maintained in regular basis.


Video Conferencing

SSA, Assam being a flagship programme has undertaken various activities at district/block and at school levels and day-to-day monitoring of these activities is very important. But, it is difficult to review progress by inviting district officials to State Head Quarter which takes lots of time. Therefore, for frequent review of activities, interaction through video conferencing is more suitable & time saving. Accordingly, Video Conferencing is being conducted on regular basis from State Mission Office with all districts, related to Academic issues (orientation of DRG member related to Cluster level teacher orientation programme), Gunotsav, Swachh Vidyalaya and Students Data Digitization and other important issues, including review meeting with Government of India time to time.



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